Ultralight/Microlight aircraft specs... Australia

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Notes: Bldg. Materials are: C = composite, M = metal, W = wood, F = fabric,
and T = tubing.
This list is sorted alphabetically by manufacturer.
Moyes Microlites Pty. Ltd.
2-4 Taylor St.
Waverley 2024 N.S.W. 02/387-5114 U.S. fax: 61.2387.4472
o Dragonfly
Top Speed, mph ............... 65
Cruise, mph .................. 60
Range, s.m. .................. 100
Rate of Climb, fpm ........... 1400
Takeoff Distance, ft. ........ 50
Landing Distance, ft. ........ 100
Service Ceiling, ft. ......... 16,000
Engine Used .................. Rotax 582
HP/HP Range .................. 65
Fuel Capacity, gal. .......... 6
Empty Weight, lb. ............ 330
Gross Weight, lb. ............ 800
Height, ft. .................. 8.0
Length, ft. .................. 20.0
Wing Span, ft. ............... 34.67
Wing Area, sq.ft. ............ 180.0
No. of Seats ................. 2T
Landing Gear ................. trigear
Bldg. Materials .............. T,F
Bldg. Time, man hours ........ 200
No. Completed/Flown .......... ?
Info Package/Video cost ...... free
Plans Cost ................... yes
Kit Cost ..................... $9,800
Notes ........................ For info in the U.S. write to:
1805 Dean Still Rd.
Davenport, FL 33837
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Jon N. Steiger / jon@ultralighthomepage.com